Home Efficiency Checklist
Is Your Home Energy Efficient?
Getting a handle on your home's energy use is an important first step toward saving energy and money. Knowing where your energy is used also shows where you have opportunities to save.
Whether it's called an "audit" or a "checkup", an energy assessment can:
- Pinpoint where your house is losing energy
- Determine if your heating and cooling systems are operating efficiently
- Show you ways to save energy and make your home more comfortable
- Identify improvements that will save you the most money
Use this link with a simple checklist Resources for Homeowners from Efficiency Maine website.
How Does Your Home Check Out?
What Your Score Means
0–2 You're a prime candidate to look into an energy audit to see what you can do to decrease your enery bills.
3–5 Looks like you may need some advice on lowering your energy bills and improving the comfort of your home.
6–8 Many homes need a little extra help to be more energy efficient.
9–10 You’re doing really well!
Energy assessments are performed by professional home energy auditors. To find a home energy auditor check out Efficency Maine or contact them at 1.866.376.2463